Lake Central Education Foundation awarded grants totalling $7,474.07 to grant recipient teachers for Round 62. Also pictured are donors who generously contributed in support of the LCEF.
The LCSC SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Committee) presented their
Impact Awards to winners: Jon Newcomb (LCHS, Teacher),
Becky Szczesniak (Bibich, Paraprofessional), and Allison Petralia (Bibich, Principal).
Mrs. Lopez and the Kahler Jazz Ensemble entertained the crowd at the Kahtler "Straight A" breakfast on Friday, February 21, 2025.
Kahler Middle School Junior Thespian State Conference Champions
Grimmer Middle School celebrated 50 Years on January 12, 2025. The Grimmer 50th Committee is being honored at a School Board Meeting for their leadership and hard work to make the event memorable.
Congratulations to these amazing Clark students for ranking in the top ten in the annual Patriot's Pen essay contest. Samantha Bandyk came in first place out of over 100 students. We are proud to be a part of the VFW's contest and proud of these Coyotes!
Homan Elementary School Student Council is thrilled to announce that we've raised over $570 for the Community Help Network! This vital organization provides meals for food-insecure students within our county and the Lake Central School Corporation. We are incredibly proud of our students' hard work and dedication in supporting such a worthy cause that directly impacts our school community.
In January, Mrs. Arroyo and the Clark Choirs rented out a theatre at the AMC to watch and participate in the "Wicked Sing-A-Long" movie!
The Protsman Student Council conducted a donation drive for the Humane Society of the Calumet Area. We want to thank everyone for their donations.
Protsman Bowl Team received congratulations for their State Top Ten placement at the 2024 Indiana Academic Spell Bowl. Pictured with the team: Principal Sapyta, and coaches Angela Correa and Melissa Ballenger.
Watson Spell Bowl Team received congratulations at a recent School Board meeting for their 4th place win at the 2024 Indiana Academic Spell Bowl. Pictured with the team: Principal Lavin, and coaches Gretchen Pishkur and Andrea Guzek.
Congratulations to the Bibich Spell Bowl Team for their 3rd Place State win at the 2024 Indiana Academic Spell Bowl. Pictured with the team: Principal Petralia, and coaches Michelle Snow and Eileen O'Rourke.
1998 Lake Central graduate Kelly Komara will be inducted into the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame on April 26, 2025. Congratulations, Kelly!